We use essential cookies which are necessary for the functionality of this website. We also use Google Analytic cookies to monitor usage of this website and to try and improve performance. To allow these analytics / performance cookies, please click I accept. If you do not wish to accept the analytics / performance cookies, please click close. For full details on the cookies used on this website, please see the Privacy Notice

Cadbury Yours For 200 Years

Privacy Policy

Key Summary

This Privacy Notice explains what we do with your personal data in our capacity as promoter of the Cadbury Give a Gift promotion ("Promotion") and is supplemental to the Promotion terms and conditions ("Promotion T&Cs").

This Privacy Notice is provided by Premier Foods plc (registered in England and Wales with company number 05160050 and registered address Premier House, Centrium Business Park, Griffiths Way, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 2RE) as the ultimate holding company on behalf of the Premier Foods group of companies. All references to "our", "us", "we", or "Premier Foods" within this Privacy Notice refer to Premier Foods plc, its subsidiaries, affiliates and associates.

We are the controller of your personal data. This means that we are responsible for complying with applicable data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 ("Data Protection Law").

Here are the details of how we use your personal data for the Promotion:

If you are a participant:

our third-party promotional agency (20Ten Creative Ltd) on our behalf will:

  • collect and process your first name, surname, mobile number, residential address and confirmation that you are over 18 years old submitted via the entry form on our website, to validate your entry as described in the Promotion T&Cs (as applicable);
  • if you are a winner of a prize to gift to a friend or relative, then we will collect your email address and email you with details on how to gift your prize to a friend/relative;
  • if you are not a winner and opt to enter into the wrap-up prize draw, then we will collect your name, email address, mobile number and residential address to validate your entry as described in the promotion T&Cs and contact you by email if you are a winner (along with details on how to gift your prize to a friend or relative).
  • We are permitted to process your personal data on the basis that it is necessary for our performance of the contract you have agreed to enter with us (i.e. or us to perform our obligations under the Promotion T&Cs).

we and / or our third-party promotional agency (20Ten Creative Ltd) on behalf will:

  • collect and process your personal data provided, to respond to any enquiries you submit;
  • securely retain your personal data until 29 August 2024. After this date your personal data will be deleted.

If you are nominated by a prize winner to receive the gift won in accordance with the Promotion T&Cs, our third-party promotional agency (20Ten Creative Ltd) on our behalf will:

  • collect and process your first and last name, mobile number, address and email address via our website to validate your prize claim;
  • collect your bank account details if required to arrange delivery of the prize to you.
  • arrange delivery of the prize to you once claimed by you;
  • respond to any enquiries raised by you in relation to the Promotion (as applicable); and
  • securely retain your personal data until 25 November 2024. After this date your personal data will be deleted.

The following terms are applicable to both participants and nominated recipients of a gift

  • If you do not provide your information to us, you will not be able to participate in the Promotion and, in the case where you have been nominated by participant, receive the gifted prize.
  • We use external providers that process your personal data for this Promotion as part of the services (such as hosting, security, and promotional administration and/or fulfilment of prizes) which they offer to us. We take steps to ensure that our service providers process your data in accordance with the Data Protection Law, only use it in accordance with our contract with them and keep it secure. If you would like more information about our service providers, please contact us at privacy@premierfoods.co.uk (if you are a resident of the United Kingdom) or at privacyeu@premierfoods.eu (if you are a resident of the Republic of Ireland). You can also contact us by post for the attention of the Data Privacy Officer at Premier Foods Group Limited, Premier House, Centrium Business Park, Griffiths Way, St Albans, AL1 2RE.
  • We do not transfer your personal data outside the UK and the European Economic Area.
  • We strive to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss or alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access and any other unlawful forms of processing. We aim to ensure that the level of security and the measures adopted to protect your personal data are appropriate for the risks presented by the nature and use of your personal data. We follow recognised industry practices for protecting our IT environment and physical facilities.
  • Under certain circumstances, you have rights under Data Protection Law in relation to your personal data:
    • the right of access to personal data relating to you
    • the right to correct any mistakes in your information
    • the right to ask us to stop contacting you with direct marketing
    • the right to prevent your personal data being processed in some circumstances
    • The right to object to processing of your data where processed on the grounds of legitimate interests
    • the right to erasure in some circumstances
  • If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact us at privacy@premierfoods.co.uk (if you are a resident of the United Kingdom) or at privacyeu@premierfoods.eu (if you are a resident of the Republic of Ireland). Requests can also be made in writing, for the attention of the Data Privacy Officer at Premier Foods Group Limited, Premier House, Centrium Business Park, Griffiths Way, St Albans, AL1 2RE
  • You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the applicable data protection authority for data protection issues. We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the regulator so please contact us in the first instance. The regulator in the UK is the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) - (https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/). The regulator in the Republic of Ireland is the Data Protection Commission (DPC) - https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/individuals/exercising-your-rights/raising-concern-commission.
  • We will respond to any rights that you exercise within a month of receiving your request, unless the request is particularly complex, in which case we will respond within three months.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or how we handle your personal information, please contact us at: privacy@premierfoods.co.uk (if you are a resident of the United Kingdom) or at privacyeu@premierfoods.eu (if you are a resident of the Republic of Ireland). You can also contact us by post for the attention of the Data Privacy Officer at Premier Foods Group Limited, Premier House, Centrium Business Park, Griffiths Way, St Albans, AL1 2RE.

We also use strictly necessary cookies which are required for the operation of the website. For more information on the cookies we use on this website, see Appendix 1.

This version was last updated in March 2024.

Appendix 1

Cookies used on this website

Cookies are text files containing information which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device by websites that you visit. They help us to operate and improve the website. This website only users strictly necessary Cookies. These cookies are essential for the running of a website e.g. a cookie that remembers what you've put into a shopping basket. Generally these cookies will be essential first-party session cookies, and if persistent or third party, there should be a good justification for this. Strictly necessary cookies will generally be used to store a unique identifier to manage and identify the user as unique to other users currently viewing the website, in order to provide a consistent and accurate service to the user.

Websites must get consent to send cookies to your computer or mobile device unless the cookies are strictly necessary to provide services to you.

Examples include:

  • Remembering previous actions (e.g. entered text) when navigating back to a page in the same session.
  • Managing and passing security tokens to different services within a website to identify the visitor's status (e.g. logged in or not).
  • To maintain tokens for the implementation of secure areas of the website.
  • To route customers to specific versions/applications of a service, such as might be used during a technical migration.

These cookies will not be used:

  • To gather information that could be used for marketing to the user.
  • To remember customer preferences or user IDs outside a single session (unless the user has requested this function).

The list of strictly necessary cookies used by this website is set out in the table below.


  • First party cookies: are those set by a website that is being visited by the user at the time - the website displayed in the URL window.
  • Third-party cookies: are cookies that are set by a domain other than that of the website being visited by the user. If a user visits a website and another entity sets a cookie through that website this would be a third-party cookie.
  • Persistent cookies: these cookies remain on a user's device for the period of time specified in the cookie. They can be referenced each time that the user visits the website that created that particular cookie to provide information across multiple visits/sessions.
  • Session cookies: these cookies allow website operators to link the actions of a user during a browser session. A browser session starts when a user opens the browser window and finishes when they close the browser window. Session cookies are created temporarily. Once you close the browser, all session cookies are deleted.
Cookie Name Cookie Type Category Purpose Lifespan
EvolSessionID First-party cookie Strictly necessary / essential Tracks the behaviour of the user on the website and is used to help monitor and prevent fraudulent activity. Will be stored for the duration of the promotion "week", however, if the Promoter or their third party agencies have reason to suspect that a user has entered or has attempted to enter the promotion in breach of the promotion terms and conditions, then this cookie may be stored for the duration of the promotion and for a period of 6 months thereafter.
Google Analytics. Full tag / cookie name: _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz Third-party cookie Analytics / performance This cookie includes a random unique number or string of letters and numbers to identify your browser, the times and dates that you interacted with our website(s) and the marketing materials or referring pages that led you to our website(s). This cookie is also used to determine the number of users which attended the website, the number of promotion entries made and the areas of the website that users visited. Session.